Ladera de Güímar - Güímar

Take-off point located in southern Tenerife

The take-off point at Ladera de Güímar is located in the central part of the municipality of Güímar. The coordinates for one of its launch points are 28R 360926 3130318, which stands at an altitude of approximately 725 m (2,500 ft) above sea level. The surface you can use as a take-off ramp and preparation area covers 400 square metres (1,300 square feet).

It is used when the winds at that altitude come from the north-east and north-west.

Degree of difficulty
  • Early and late in the day: Learner level (1-2).
  • At midday: Intermediate/high level (3-4).
Associated landing points
  • Güímar-Ladera esplanade, Güímar.
  • Playa Puertito de Güímar, Güímar. (Only in winter, but strictly prohibited in summer when there are people on the beach)

The conditions at the take-off and landing point may change for various reasons (weather, refurbishment work, etc.), so the best thing to do to make sure you are as safe as possible is to contact the Canary Islands' Paragliding Federation shortly in advance so they can inform you of any last-minute changes or incidents.

Telephone numbers: +34 928400805 / +34 615602329

Weather Today
Maximum: 23º
Minimum: 17º
Güímar. Skies will could over on Thursday morning. In the afternoon there will be middle and high cloud cover. At night, thin high cloud. Mild temperature dropping.