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Stargazing in Tenerife: magical and unforgettable nights

Enjoy a five-star trip to Tenerife!

Are five stars not enough for you? Well, make it infinite stars then!

An entire universe of them. Because this is one of the greatest attractions and treasures to be found on the island. Stargazing in Tenerife is one of the most incredible experiences you’ll ever have in your life. If you want an unforgettable holiday and to do something different that can’t be done elsewhere, then look no further.

Does seeing constellations, planets, shooting stars and all sorts of other celestial bodies in the spectacular skies of Tenerife sound like something you want to do? Then add this activity to your plans right now!

Tenerife is truly a fortunate destination, and not just because of its climate. Far away from the light pollution of urban areas, the mountain peaks on the island of Tel are the best place to see the stars in Tenerife, although you’ll still have some extraordinary views from other places that are not on these mountain peaks.

Do you fancy getting to know our galaxy from one of the prettiest places on the island with Mount Teide in the background?

Stargazing beneath the skies of Tenerife

The Teide National Park was listed as a Starlight Tourism Destination by the Starlight Foundation in 2014. This title guarantees that any stargazing done here meets the requirements and procedures established for protecting the sky and the associated natural and cultural values. It is also considered as a Starlight Reserve, a space with a specific commitment to defending the quality of the night sky, defending access to starlight and promoting the associated cultural, scientific, astronomical, landscape and environmental values.

Alongside Chile and Hawaii, the Canary Islands is one of the three best places on Earth to observe the night sky. Due to its geographical location, the transparency of the sky and the air quality, as well as some unbeatable weather conditions, Tenerife is one of the main sites in the world for astronomical observation.

This is the backdrop against which you can enjoy a broad range of astronomy excursions in which the night sky is the protagonist and observing the stars is a great adventure unto itself. We highly recommend this activity to absolutely everyone.

Where to see the stars in Tenerife

If you like astronomy or simply wish to experience this unique activity, make sure you don’t miss the chance to visit one of the most important scientific observatories on the planet.

Within an area spanning some 50 hectares, the Teide Observatory is home to the solar and nocturnal telescopes of more than 60 institutions in 19 countries. Visitors are welcome to enjoy a guided tour of the Teide Observatory on one of several days of the week.

What astronomical phenomena can you see on the island?

If you visit Tenerife in summer, you will have the chance to witness two major spectacles:

 Vega, Altair and Deneb, heralding the arrival of summer.

Other wonderful phenomena include the various meteor showers that pass through our skies over the course of the year. The Perseids, which can be seen in August, and the Geminids, the last of the year and appearing in December, are among the most famous. Nonetheless, there are many, many more to see. On every clear night, the sky puts on an incredible show that reveals its unquestionable magnificence and power. Breathtakingly impressive.

Can you picture yourself now in the most absolute silence? In one of the highest places anywhere in Spain? With the most incredible celestial display above your head? Look! A shooting star.

Make a wish and see… Nature tourism is a wonderful way to see the stars in Tenerife and to discover the universe in an extraordinary destination.

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