Health and Wellbeing

It's only been a day since you landed on the Island and even your mood has changed. Gone is the stress, the worry and the uncertainty. As you sit by the sea with the murmur of the waves washing over you, you soak in the rays of Tenerife's warm morning sun. A gentle breeze caresses your cheeks, making you close your eyes to capture that moment and make it last. You can barely remember how long it was since you felt so good.

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Your bare feet sink softly into the moist sand as you stroll along the sea shore. You can feel your circulation coming alive, you breathe more freely, you feel energised and replenished. Your mind is calm and at ease... You feel peaceful.

Today's choice is the nourishing and relaxing chocolate body wrap to leave you feeling good as new. The tropical fruit therapy sounds like a good option for tomorrow, and the day after could be a jacuzzi and hot springs day. Wow, a visit to the spa really is the highlight of a great holiday. This is the time when your body feels relaxed and replenished, and your mind is free and easy.

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You've been wondering for some time about whether to get that touch up you wanted back home or whether to make the most of your visit to Tenerife and put your cosmetic surgery in the specialised hands of its medical centres. It certainly makes more sense than spending your recovery period at home with nothing to do. And as you lie back in your Balinese sun lounger by the hotel pool, you happily realise that convalescence isn't entirely incompatible with leisure.

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You have always been tempted by alternative therapies: reiki, acupuncture, floral essence treatments, chakra therapy... Each one is designed to act on your body and mind in a different, special way. And now the time has come to give it a go. During your stay on the Island, you have decided to give in to temptation and feel the benefits of alternative therapy.

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